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Mobile Phone EOL

End of Life Mobile Phone Recycling. Many people believe that when a mobile phone reaches the end of its life cycle it is useless, this mobile phone recycling company is here to tell you that is not the case. The truth is that mobile phones are chocked full of precious materials that can be recovered,

How we can help

End of Life Mobile Phone Recycling

At Everything Mobile Ltd we offer WEEE recycling solutions for end of life mobile devices, the truth is a lot of precious materials can be recovered from mobile phones. There are several regulations in place to protect our environment and it is important to ensure that organisations dispose of mobile phones responsibly. we are compliant with all recycling regulations including the Environmental Protection act 1990 and the Hazardous Waste Regulations 2005.

Responsible Disposal and Recycling Solutions

Our team can help you register with the Environmental Agency so you can operate to the highest standards and become an accredited processor of electronic waste. We have over 8 years’ experience in mobile phone recycling, we understand that there can be issues faced when conforming to the stern waste management regulations. Everything Mobile Ltd can help you to comply with regulations when it comes to recycling and disposing of end-of life mobile devices. With the right documentation you can be sure that you are in compliance with all the legislative and legal requirements when recycling electronic waste.

Effective Sourcing and Procurement

We have a dependable, honest and reliable mobile phone procurement team who work with all major distributors, retailers, insurance companies and mobile networks. Whether you are looking to source branded or non-branded handsets either new or refurbished, we have you covered.

Effective Sourcing and Procurement

End Of Life Service

When a mobile phone reaches the end of its lifecycle it doesn’t have to be thrown away, it can be reused or recycled. It is important to ensure that used mobile phones are disposed of properly in order to benefit the environment.

James Waterston


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